DEC 2024 - MARCH 2025
08 December
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu´s Birthday Anniversary Celebration
12-15 December
Beginners Course of Yantra Yoga First Part
19-22 December
Beginners Course of Yantra Yoga Second Part
Led by Dina Priymak
26-31 December
Instructions on basic Dzogchen meditation according to The Mirror:
Advice on Presence and Awareness
Led by Adriano Clemente
16-22 January
Study group with Rosemary Friend and Anna Apraksina
29 January - 7 February
Vajra Dance 1st.level Teacher Training
Led by Prima Mai
12-17 February
Retreat on 25 spaces of Samantabhadra
Explanation and practice with contemplation
Led by Adriano Clemente
20-24 February
Vajra Dance of Space ( KDKSOV)
Practice retreat with teaching sessions
For those who already know the steps and pathway
Led by Prima Mai
28 February Losar
Mandarava Practice retreat starts
Accommodation available inside the Gar
For detailed information please contact us at: tashigarnortesecretary@gmail.com
Dina Priymak was born in Tajikistan (ex USSR) in 1981 and since a child practiced gymnastics and yoga. She met her Master, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 2002, in Crimea, and started learning Yantra Yoga, which has become her personal practice since then. After attending various courses and Teacher Trainings, she became I Level instructor of Yantra Yoga in 2010, in Merigar. In 2017, Dina is qualified as an instructor of Kumar Kumari Yantra Yoga for kids, and Respira/Breathe method. She was also supervised for the II Level of Yantra Yoga. Since 2019, Dina has been teaching Kumar Kumari Yoga for children in the schools of Amiata (GR, Italy), thanks to the various projects of ASIA Onlus and Merigar, funded by UBI, and she is very satisfied with the achieved results. In 2020, Dina graduated in “Educational Yoga at Schools” (University of Padua) and became also an instructor of other types of yoga (Hatha Yoga Multistyle, Yoga Therapy (Yoga Aliance). In 2022 Dina is qualified as an instructor of Yantra Yoga in a Chair. She had a chance to collaborate for the video projects "The Tibetan Yoga of Movement: Level I and Level II" and for the DVD "The 108 Movements of Vairochana's Yantra Yoga" released by the Shang Shung Publications in 2011 and also for the App Evolve, in 2020. Dina has a degree in Linguistics Pedagogy (English and French). She is currently studying Osteopathy at the International Osteopathic Academy in Milan and is happy to deepen new disciplines and develop her knowledge in the holistic field.
Adriano Clemente is the main translator for the project “Complete Works of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.” Adriano was born in Lecce, Italy, on 5 January 1958 and grew up in Naples. He met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1975, and was part of the original group of students who received the first Dzogchen teachings in 1976 at the Palestra on Via Palasciano in Naples. That same year, he joined the University of Oriental Studies in Naples, graduating in 1983 with a thesis on the Dzogchen Bönpo text Dran pa gser gdams by gShen sras lha rje (13th century). At that time he started working on translations of Tibetan texts, mainly authored by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, such as Drung, Deu, and Bon, for which he did extensive research in the ancient Bön tradition, and Yantra Yoga: The Tibetan Yoga of Movement. He compiled and edited Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected State, and is the author, together with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, of The Supreme Source, a pioneer work on the tradition of Dzogchen semde, in particular focusing on the Kun byed rgyal po tantra. He is mainly responsible for translation of the Longsal cycle of teachings and of the Santi Maha Sangha training. Since 2003, Adriano Clemente has also worked for the Ka-ter Translation Project of the Shang Shung Institute Austria.
Prima Mai was born in Germany in 1962 and studied Communication Design in Hamburg. She left there in 1987 to live and work in Spain as a contemporary artist. It was in that period that she chose her artist name. She met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1989 and moved to Italy in 1990. Prima learned the Vajra Dance directly from Rinpoche and accompanied him for several years in his travels to assist in making the Vajra Dance known during Rinpoche’s seminars and retreats. Prima Mai is one of the two main international Vajra Dance teachers appointed by Rinpoche with the authorization to train new instructors of the Vajra Dance. Since 1992 she has been giving courses worldwide and preparing related materials for publications and the general development of the Vajra Dance. She speaks German, English, Spanish, and Italian as well as a little French. Her other general interests are alternative healing, new science and technology, music, and art. She has lived with her companion in Camogli, Italy, since 2001.
Anna was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, but has been living in Tenerife for the past five years, devoting herself to the practice of meditation in motion. She has been practicing this method since 2009, and has been a certified instructor. since 2015. She has conducted various Vajra Dance courses in Russia and Europe. Anna has a wide range of interests - she has a Degree in mathematics, as well as interior design, she loves art, dance, and travel.
Rosemary Friend was born in Gladstone, Australia. She graduated as a medical doctor in 1981 and also worked as a psychotherapist when living in New Zealand in the 90’s. She is currently working as a remote medical practitioner in health clinics serving indigenous, aboriginal communities in Central Australia. She first received Dzogchen transmission from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu in 1988 and shortly after, in 1991, experienced the beauty and joy of Vajra Dance for the first time. In 2015, she presented for her supervision and received authorisation as a first level instructor. She enjoys the profundity of a dance experience that models the perfection of place, position and timing in movement as a metaphor for integration of presence and awareness with her own physical, energetic and mental dimension. It is always a privilege for her to be able to share this knowledge and experience with anyone interested. She speaks English and has enough Espanol to get by.